My recommend dungeon

Good day to you. this is Bichin.
I have rated my personal recommended dungeons and items with three stars.
Items dropped by Zodiac bosses are not included, so you can always go for them.
I hope you find it useful in your treasure hunt.
Also, I do not use English very well, so some parts may be difficult to understand.

※Sentence color means rarity
Rare ,Unique,Artifact


●Ancient Cemetery

  • Cursed Touch 
    Cursed touch is a fist weapon with a valuable status Ailment Infliction Rate, and boasts unparalleled performance for equipment available from the beginning of the game.
    The Ailment Infliction Rate is not added to the ability value, but multiplied, making it an extremely powerful status.

●River citadel brookehold

  • Epithet【Sentry ★★
    Sentry has Body Shield skill, this epithet help your strategy with beginning to end of the game.

●Feasting Grounds

  • Man-eater Eater Bait(illusion〜 ★★★
    This accessory has bait skill, which increases the chance of encountering non-boss enemies in dungeons.
    Get it as a very very priority.

Ancestral Pyramid

  • Epithet 【Giant Insect ★★★
    Giant insect is suitable for Tank,this epithet has HP+50% and Focus block so on.

Inverse Pyramid (EX ※Especially

  • Epithet【Gohst night ★★
    This epithet is for physical attackers with a high ACC rate.
  • Epithet【Unicorn+ ★★★
    Latent Potential -> MAG multiplier is superb.
    It becomes a powerful effect when used in combination with Prodigy and Tyranny
  • Tyrfing (Lunatic ★★★
    Turfing has high rate ACC and Slash attribute.
    Also There are weakness that have negative drain vitality, but depending on how you use them, it can be an advantage.
  • Paladin set(Lunatic ★★
    Paladin sets can be used for a variety of builds, including reduce damage sub tanks and healing potion tanks.


●Primordial Forest

  • Epithet【Tyrant ★★★
    The Tyrant has an exceptional +30% damage increase when Berserk, and also excellent attack amplification conversion.
  • Cloak of concealment 
    This cape can greatly reduce enmity, it is useful to adujaste enmity to healer and enhancer so on.
  • Mask of fury (illusion 〜 ★★★
    One of the Rage set pieces for strong physical attackers.
    It’s performance on its own is low, but the set effect is awesome.

●Unicorn Grove

  • Epithet【Kirin ★★
    Kirin has high resist fatal and poison, It's not only very useful for tanks, but useful for all builds.

Ancients Archives

  • Epithet【Intellectual ★★
    Laurent potential→HP multiple is very useful for Tank.

●Zein’s Ego 

  • Epithet【sage of hope+ ★★
    "Ray of Hope" from the drop bonus skill will resurrect and heal PT members when equipped person dies, which is useful in more difficult dungeons.

●Azeinal Plains

  • Elemental wand 
    Elemental Wand is a fantastic weapon that has five elemental attributes.

Hilltop Grave

  • Epithet【Torrential Beast 
    This epithet has a rainfield effect.
    For dungeons where enemy fire skills are painful and to support lightning magic attackers.
  • Epithet【sacrilege ★★
    The sacrilege to null curse and multiple curses to magic is very useful.
  • Empyrean Gantlets(illusion〜 
    This gantlet has a "non-elemental" cooldown, which is one of all kinds of potential.


●Delta Beach

  • Epithet【Sobek 
    Grant Berserker, Increase Area Attack, Conversion Reduce Berserker to ATK Multiplier are useful fo phycal attackers, this epithet is my favorite one of all.
  • Crocodile set (illusion〜 
    Crocodile set has been buffed in the update, it has the exclusive skills of an axe.

●Sea Harpy Hunting Grounds

  • Epithet【Plunderer 
    Plunderer has Surprise counter skill,this counterattack is very nice.

Southern Messina Sea

  • Epithet【Lycan 
    Conversion breath attribute to MAG multiple is effective in increasing MAG. Especially useful with DragonBlood.
  • Blood Saver ★★★
    Blood Saver has a low HP status, slash attribute, all statuses are ailments resistants, it is useful build variety.
    Most importantly, the unit can go into Low HP without Berserker.
  • Stormholder  
    ATK/MAG/Wind Attributes/Area Attack, these statuses are effective against both physical and elemental attackers.
  • Unfaithful Blade(Lunatic) ★★
    This sword is specialized in ailment attack, it has kind of seven ailments.

●Abyssal While’s Domain

  • Epithet【Messina Maw ★★★
    Messina Raw is one of the best equipment for physical attackers, with high level of ATK and area attack and conversion area attack to ATK.

Ghostly Galleon

  • Captain’s hat(illusion〜 ★★
    This head equipment is very good, it has slash attribute and high item drop rate.

●Everburning Lighthouse #13. ※Especially

  • Gargoyle’s helmet ★★★
  • Gargoyle’s Shield ★★★
    This is the most important dungeon where you can get two out of three gargoyle sets, the most powerful equipment for tanks.

●Deepwater Vortex

  • Epithet【Tidal Phantom ★★
    Whirling Tidal Skill possessed by Tidal Phantom is a water attribute magic released as a first strike,it useful grants status ailments and reduce Resistance attribute by Elemental Rebalance.

Naval Knight Patrol Waters

  • Epithet【Bluesea ★★
    Conversion Fix damage to SPA multiple is very useful for physical attackers.

●Arena Mock battle

  • Grizzly Plush (Lunatic  
    Both the Slash attribute and the H to H that Grizzly possesses are effective against physical attackers.

●Arena Main Event Round1

  • Epithet【Honest ★★
    Null sleep‼️
  • Legendary salt (Lunatic ★★
    Both HP+60% and natural healing effective for tank.

●Arena QuarterFinals

  • Epithet 【Elephant 
    This epithet has ATK and Area Attack, its effect on physical attackers.
    The epithet can be obtained in other dungeons, but you can expect to find it with the Elephant Boots in this dungeon!
  • Elephant boots (illusion 〜 ★★
    Elephant boots have the valuable status of the crush attribute in boots.

Arena Semifinal

  • Intrepid Best
    This armor has Item drop Rate ,so suitable for treasure hunt.
    It’s has also reduce received critical chance ,so It can be used when you want to increase received damage.
  • Anchor Ring (illusion〜 ★★★
    Anchor Ring is one of Rage set but that standalone performance is low.

●Arena Finals

  • Epithet【Prodigy ★★
    Prodigy has conversion Laurent Potential to MAG as well as Unicorn.
  • Victor’s Crown ★★★
    This is the top of helmets for treasure hunts.
  • Crazed Soldier’s Armor (Lunatic ★★
    Crazed Soldiers Armor is one of Rage set,also this Armor is standalone performance is High level.
  • Draconic Snoutguard (Lunatic ★★
    Draconic snout guard is equipment for physical attacker with slash attribute.

●Northeast Messina Sea

  • Golden Dugong Eye (illusion 
    Golden Dugong Eye has a skill Long Lived that extends buffs.
    It has a personal evaluation and I like its performance very much.

Seabed Sanctuary

  • Epithet【Origin ★★
    Origin has a Calibration skill that buffs ACC and Laurent potential status, making it a great match for magical attackers.

●Deep Sea Cave

  • Conqueror of the Deep ★★★
    This gantlet is equipment for Tanks that has high HP and Resist water attribute.
  • Twin Star Bracer (illusion〜 ★★★
    Double Star Arms is equipment for physical attackers with 100% SPA.
    It's cancel the reduce SPA from Cleaving Blade of Vagabond skill.

Lost Galley of Gold EX ※Especially

※Lost Galley of Gold is most important dungeon,there is a lot of treasures.

Since there are too many useful items, I will omit the details of each item.

  • Golden galley set ★★★
  • Cursed Doubloon ★★★
  • Drake’s set ★★★
  • Drake claw ★★
  • Hidden treasure map ★★★
  • Looter’s Fist ★★
  • Epithet【Pirate King ★★★
  • Epithet【Lost Galley of Gold ★★★


●The Promised calm

  • Epithet【Raging Bull ★★
    Raging Bull is compatible for Rage set, its both attack and area attack.
  • Bison Horn Helmet 
    This is equipment for physical attackers with the pierce attribute.
  • Orichalcum Ox (Lunatic ★★★
    Orichalcum falls under Gems equipment.
    Among them, Ox has an overwhelmingly Crush attribute, ignoring Area Attack resistance with a probability, and also has a counter chance rate.

Gaol Isle Harbor

  • Epithet【Full moon ★★
    Full Moon has a precious status of high-level Counter Cancel.
  • Gaoler set (illusion 
    Gaoler set has Vigilant Formation skill,that increases counter cancel.
    Excellent with Enhancer.

●The Prison Labyrinth

  • Epithet【999+ ★★★
    999+ has ATK and MAG conversion skills, but also has darkness and Curse states.
    Regarding darkness, Vagabond's “Ignorance is Bliss” can be converted into an advantage.
  • Epithet【Death Row 
    It has high level hand to hand status.
  • Champion’s Belt (Lunatic ★★★
    Champion's Belt is a physical attacker's equipment with hand to hand and ATK and counter chance.
  • Chimera Leather Armor(Lunatic ★★
    Chimera Leather Armor is a equipment for Tanks with resist all elemental and high hp.
  • El Desperado (Lunatic 
    El Desperado has equipment set effect with Champion's Belt, which is high-level hand-to-hand status.

●Convicts’ Paradice

  • Kelev’s Reflex Shield (illusion〜 
    Kelev's Reflex Shield, as the name suggests, has a high counter chance.

●The Towers of Atonement

  • Blood boots 
    Blood boots have a strange ability that does not change Drain Vitality when a unit attacks.
    It is also the only boot with a slashing attribute.
  • Angel Wings 
    This is treasure hunting equipment with Mod status.
  • Staff of Judgement (illusion〜 ★★★
    A wind attribute wand with the powerful exclusive skill "Judgment". If you are aiming to become a magic attacker, this is a must-have item.
  • Sacrificial Bangle ★★
    This is glove for Tank with additional attack and high hp.
  • Shackles of Atonement (illusion 〜 ★★
    Leg equipment for magic attackers with high MAG status.

●CounterFlow Road

  • Volcanic Fist ★★★
    One of the top weapons made famous by cover-fire-attacker build.
  • Obsidian Armor 
    Body armor for tanks with strong physalis resistance Limit Lv4
    They will also drop at the dwarf Trial ruins that will appear later this contents.

●Hell’s Gate

  • Epithet 【Volcano Guardian
    Volcano Guardian is suitable for maximum fury build with the Breath attribute and hand to hand status
  • Ifrit Ruby(illusion〜 
    One of the "Road of the Gaol" set, but that performance on the main unit is low.

Moonbeam Island (EX ※Especially

  • Epithet【Revenge ★★★
    Revenge is equipment for physical attacker with high level conversion enmity to ATK multiple.especially if you get drop bonus ,you can learn avengers skill.
  • Epithet【False Charge ★★
    False charge has Item-drop and Mod status that suit able to treasure hunt.
  • Void Heart(Lunatic ★★
    Void Heart is increase 10% counter chance and confusion disable.
  • Sweet AvengerLunatic ★★
    Sweet Avenger is versatile weapon with critical power and area attack and counter chance

●Hidden Stronghold Lastalpha

  • Epithet【Soothing Heart ★★★
    This epithet has physical and elemental resistances that make it perfect for tanks.

●Mechanical Railcart Tunnel

  • Epithet【Canary ★★
    Expedition Time ×95% is a must-have skill if you want to recruit one of your party.
  • Rare Metal Mailillusion〜 ★★★
    Rare Metal Mail is best armor for tank, which has disadvantage to reduce MDF but more than advantage to 1/2 wound.

●Crystal Gorge

  • Electric Sheep’s DreamLunatic ★★★
    One of the "Dawn of Era Set" for magical attackers with Tempest skill, if you want to be a magical attacker you must get it.

●The forbidden Airshaft

  • Epithet【Ardent flow the fifth ★★
    This Epithet has “hand to hand” status and “min hit rate”, that's for physical attackers.
  • Steel Bard Leg (illusion〜
    Like the epithet, it is a leg equipment for physical attackers with "hand to hand" status.The exclusive skill of "eagle’s grip" is very cool!
  • Blaze throwerillusion ★★
    It's a high-MAG weapon equipment for breath attackers, with a LV2 breath cooldown reduction and a LV1 fire element cooldown reduction.

●Machinist Vahnya’s Consciousness

  • Epithet【The Merciful Machinist ★★★
    It is very strong epithet with high level conversion Lock Picking to ATK multiple and use a useful Trap skill at the beginning of each turn.
    Especially the Trap skill don’t consume cooldown is awesome.
  • Merciful Setillusion〜 ★★★
    The set effect is conversion lock picking to ATK multiplier, which makes it even more powerful when combined with the The Merciful Machinist +.

●Underworld Waterway

  • Tail of the Cornered Radillusion〜 ★★
    A transparent trapper was developed and became a high profile piece of equipment.
    which increases trap damage when the unit has low HP at the deadline skill.

●The Burning Sea

  • Inferno MailLunatic ★★★
    Inferno Mail has a skill Maximum Fury that when unit’s Fury count is Maxed out,it use self-distrust.
    Self district build is one of Top attacker

●The Mechanical City Almania

  • Snake’s glare Shield ★★★
    It is very very very strong shield with counter chance and null poison and resist paralysis. And also one of the parts of the "Dawn of Era Set".

●The Fire lit Mausoleum

  • Jet Black Gauntlet
    This Arms has valuable Pierce attribute.
  • Seven Spearsillusion〜 
  • Insignia of Gaol(Lunatic
    These are the remaining two parts of the “Load of the Gaol” set needed to summon the Seven Spear Deployment.

●The Jordwyrm’s Forest

  • Barbarous Boots of the Charging Boar ★★
    This boot has skill headlong that increases ATK and SPD when unit use physical skill.
    It works better with the Orichalcum Ape.
  • Tusklance of Charging Boarillusion〜 
    This lance has the Ferocious Thrust skill, which conversion SPD to ATK, then it can be duplicated with Divine Speed.
  • Iron Saddle of the Horseillusion〜 ★★
    One of the "Dawn of the Era Set", it can do gale for dungeon.
  • Orichalcum (Ape)Lunatic ★★
    Orichalcum Ape is revolutionary gem, its disadvantage of recoil damage change to merit. And then it has crush and pierce attribute.

●World’s End Crater

  • Epithet【Supreme Dragon of Twelve ‘s ★★
    It has increased ATK +25%, but unit takes recoil damage from non-elemental.
  • Genocidal Breath (Lunatic
    As the name suggests, this is a one-hit kill weapon that can release a powerful breath.

●Dwarf Trial Ruins (EX)

  • Magneto Shield 
    This shield has an Ignore Dodge chance against mechanical enemies.
  • Diamond Ringillusion〜 ★★★
    Powerful treasure hunting ring with increased item drop and mod.
  • Orichalcum (Dog)Lunatic〜 ★★
    Orichalcum Dog is equipment for tanks, it has Royal Heart skill with increase HP when unit will cover for ally.

This dungeon drops more stone boots and obsidian armor.

●Chthonic Frontier (EX

  • Alarm Beltillusion〜 ★★★
    This belt has Increase meet chances of non-boss enemies +20%.
    Must get this item.
  • Bottom Up(Lunatic〜 ★★
    This boots for low HP attackers with increased ATK/MAG/ACC when the unit is low HP.

●Spring of Miracles (EX

  • Resurrection Gauntlet(Lunatic〜 ★★
    high water resistance and Reduce Revive cooldown ability, making it very suitable for tanks.

Exposed Gold Vein (EX

  • Epithet【Insatiable Dragon ★★
    treasure hunting epithet with increased item drop and mod
  • Treasure Guardianillusion〜 ★★★
    Top of the Treasure Hunt shield.
  • Triple Gear Shoesillusion〜 ★★
    Triple Gear Shies is most fast shoes,that effective Divine Speed build and debuff so on.



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